1. Using primary sources in my classroom can be very helpful because the information comes directly from the source.Also, it has alot of information with pictures and links.
The article that I found interesting was "The Deadly Virus". The Influenza Epidemic of 1918 is the plague that has killed more people that any other illness. The virus attacks the lungs which are filled with fluids and the people died soffocated.
2.The students groups that experience achievement gaps are from many different groups:
Racial and ethical minorities
Esglish language learners
Students with disavilities
Students from low-income families
Four Ethical Groups Affected by Achievemt Gaps
American Indians and Alaska Natives
Asian American and Pacific Islanders
Three areas where I feel fit my teaching style are:
First,We as teachers have to adapt to diversity. Our community is very reach culturally which makes interesting the learning enviroment. A teacher that volues diversity can serve better a diverse population. It is very important to respect the traditions from diferent cultures.
Second, I understand the dynamics of cultural interactions. Coming from a diferent country I know the factors that can affect to interact with diferent cultures, icluding language, culture, and values in a community. It will help me to contribute to the educational system to serve all students well.
Finally, Gather and organize resource materials related to culturally diverse groups for use by school staff. I will use resources that are available such as health care.
3.I am glad to know that I am a Cyber Saint.
Usually I like to treat people as would like to be treated. Eventhough, I do not see the face I know that some one is on the other side.
The internet super Heros' philosophy is that we as educators can educate the children to be good cyber-citizens (internet safety).
Teach basic safety tips.
Online sexual predator
How to avoid pornography
Inapropiate content
Not to share personal information
Respect other online
how to find what they are searching
defensive surfing
avoid cyber-situations
report cybercrimes and abuse.
I think that it is very important to educate students how to behave in the cyberspace. This can help my students in my classroom so that students know the rules when we use the computers. It will empower the students. Also, I will use the teenangels who are volunteers (teen) 13-18 who give off-linepresentations on all aspects of safe.
4. One of the areas that interested me in Subject Access was "Bilingual Education" There are many links that I can use in the classroom for bilingual education. Also, I can use this strategy lesson plans to approach an specific topic with ESL students.
The other area that interested me was Second Life for K-12 educators it has lots links to get information. I will sugest my students to use this web sitefor help and homework.
5. My Top Three Intelligencies
Intrapersonal 69%
Mantra:I understant what you mean.I enjoy teaching and sharing my thoughts.
Tipsfor the way you learn:
Give and receive feed back, talk out problems and be part and work on large groups.
Naturalistic 67%
I am a naturalistic learner.
Mantra: Let's investigate the natural world understand the patterns of living things and apply scientific reasoning to the world. I can clasify different types of plants and animals.
Tips for the way you learn.
Observe and record data, create a living system, write about nature, daily life.
Logical Mathematical 56%
Why? Well, because it's logical.
The video Multiple Intelligences No Child Left Behind
Howard G.unveiled a theory of Multiple Intelligences (MI) where he identifies seven human capacities:
Musical, Verbal, Physical, Interpersonal, Visual, Logical and Naturalistic.
Theory people are not smart but you can be very strong in an area and very week in other. All areas are equaly important. Every child should develop their intelligence. Students are encourage to choose something that they are very pasion to learn a skill. If you learn your stregths you will be succesful in the future. (highlight stregths)
6. Grade 9-12
Succesful ESL Strategies
Using journaling projects with ESL students was a tool to increase self-steem and explore identity. Students wrote personal ideas where they do not have to worry about grammar. Having books in many languages and drawing supplies so that the students who wanted to draw can have drawing paper and pencils. I would use it in my class to encourage students to create a geneologic tree so that students can learn about their family. Also, we can approach topics that interest them such as their experience with immigration.
7. The two questions that I found most interesting are: According to a study by the American Association of Physicians for Human Rights, 52% of physicians report witnessing a colleague giving reduced care or refusing care to lesbian, gay, or bisexual patients?
According to the law physicians do not have to descrimate medical services based on stereotype. It is shoking that we still have health providers who descriminate people based on their sexual preference.
In a 2007 study, UNICEF rated the treatment of children in the 23 wealthiest countries in the world based on 40 indicators of child well-being.The countries that received the lowest rating were the United States and the U.K.
8. My score in the Nettiquette quizz was 60% It did not surprise me because I have never been in a chat room.
I think that it is very important to teach students about Nettiquette cyberspace rules, online behavior so that they know how important is to follow the rules in the cyberspace. We as teachers need to create reponsible net-citizens. The emoticon is a textual expresion representing the face of a writer's mood or facial expresion. most of the emoticons are new for me. Most of the emoticons are a nice way to add to our wrriting. The emoticon that I like the most is :@ What?
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