Sunday, April 25, 2010

Journal # 8

Tapping the Wealth of Social Networks for Professional Development

Greenhow, C. (2008-2009, June/July). Tapping the wealth of social networks for proesional development. Learning and Leading with technology, 36(8), Retrieved from

The author of this article highlights how to use the social networks for profesional development. Educators and students can use some of the popular technologies available in the internet to communicate with friends and peers to argue, publicize opiniones and get help. However, educators have a long way to go in terms of technology profesional development.
Technology networks have agreat impact in teachers and students learning. Social network site can function as social learning resources for literacy practices, and to get emotional support.

How can I use social network in my class?
Networking tools such as Blogger allow me to create a network for my class easilly. Once I create a blog I can post questions, assigments, or puzzles which can be quickly circulated. I can communicate with students. Also, my students can post comments about an specific topic and get prompt feed back. I wiil encourage my students to practice responsible online behavior.

How do social network works?
Social networks services such as Facebook, classroom 2.0, Ning and Twitter allow many broadcasting, circulate through a network, putting other's problem solving skills to work for you. For example, in my class ed422 when I have a question I can use Twitter. I can have many answers from my clasmates in a few minutes, it is amazing.

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