Interactive Boards
Interactive whiteboard is a large interactive board which is connected to a computer and a projector. A projector projects the computer's desktop onto the board's surface, where users control the computer using a pen, finger or other device. The board is typically mounted to a wall or on a floor stand. It provides touch control of computer applications and annotation over standard Microsoft windows applications. The software has to be installed to the attached PC. Interactive boards are used by educators in classroom in the United States. Interactive boards offer many practical uses for the classroom.
The threads that I fallowed:
How are you using your classroom smart board?
I fallowed this thread and learned that Smart boards offer many practical uses for teachers in the classrooms. Teachers share with others rather that being private. There are two brand names Smartboards and Promethean. Teachers can use web based applications resources interact with the real world, have virtual field trips, have math games, capture power point presentations, watch a educational video. Also, teachers can download pre-made lessons. Teachers find it very useful. It can be used in any grade classroom. Smartboard is an excellent tool.
Are interactive whiteboards a necessary?
What I learned about this thread is that educators have different opinions some educators think that smart boards are the best technology they have in the classroom because it has a lot of advantages teachers can find thousands of pre-made lessons. When teachers use the smart board they have notice that it keeps the students engaged “the work is not easier but it is more enjoyable”. On the other hand, some educators think that smart boards are not necessary because they have more options in technology that are less expensive.
ReplyDeleteI like smart boards too. I agree that the work is not easier but it indeed can engage students and keep them on task. For me, my most challenging is to keep students engaged, so I really would like to use white boards one day.