Tuesday, April 27, 2010

crossword puzzel/ NETS-T II

Using Excel I was able to create a crossword puzzle on a spreed sheet. I typed letters horizontal and vertical to create words. At the beginning of the first letter of each word I inserted the clues that lead to the answers. Using a crossword puzzle in the classroom can support the students learning.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Journal # 10

Smile You're on School Tube

Zdrojewski, R. (2009-2020, December/January). Smile you are on school tube!. Learning and Leading with technology, 37(4), Retrieved from http://www.iste.org/AM/Template.cfm?Section=December_January_No_4_4&Template=/MembersOnly.cfm&NavMenuID=4450&ContentID=24839&DirectListComboInd=D

The author of this article explains about SchoolTube which is a video –sharing website for kids and teachers to share their media. The media that is upload must be approved by registered teachers, fallow local school guides and meet high standards. The content of shooltube is wide from classroom video projects, school TV newscast, music videos. Students who appear online have to turn in a permit slip from their parents, videos can not be downloaded. This web site has a lot of value because students can create videos that that ties to the educational program, upload them, and watch the video when it is suddenly show up.

When are the projects available?
When a video is up loaded the schooltube sends an e-mail confirmation then it is processed. Once the video is processed and approved it can go live in minutes. All the projects are available 24/7 so kids can see it anytime.

What kinds of formats are accepted?
Any kind of video format is accepted so students and teachers do not have to worry about encoding. The uploading process is very easy.

Journal # 9

Web 2.0 Today's Technologies, Tomorrow's Learning

Groff, J., & Haas, J. (2008-2009, September/October). Web 2.0 today. Learning and Leading with technology, 36(2), Retrieved from http://www.iste.org/AM/Template.cfm?Section=September_October_No_2_1&Template=/MembersOnly.cfm&NavMenuID=4107&ContentID=21954&DirectListComboInd=D

The author of this article talks about some of the leading technology that is providing a lot of value to teachers and students such as social networking sites as Facebook, Simutations, digital games "World of Warcraft", "Telescope", "Ayiti", Jeopardy. Educators researchers, and designers are exploring the benefits of social networking technologies by implementing them at schools and even outside the classrooms walls. Exploring new technology can be difficult to implement in the classroom but building relationships with others educators can support each others to make it easy. I think that this technologies are worth to give it a try to bring the modern era in the classroom.

What are some of the strategies for the success in the use of technology?
Some of the strategies are:
-Explore, play with the technology you are interested.
-Partner with a colleague, share ideas, attend a session at a conference about the technology you want to learn, and build a support network.
-Find additional supports, keep in touch with resources to support your work.

Do you need special computers for simulations and digital games?
In many schools there are computers that can easily run these applications.

Journal # 8

Tapping the Wealth of Social Networks for Professional Development

Greenhow, C. (2008-2009, June/July). Tapping the wealth of social networks for proesional development. Learning and Leading with technology, 36(8), Retrieved from http://www.iste.org/Content/NavigationMenu/Publications/LL/LLIssues/Volume3620082009/JuneJulyNo8/36810g.pdf

The author of this article highlights how to use the social networks for profesional development. Educators and students can use some of the popular technologies available in the internet to communicate with friends and peers to argue, publicize opiniones and get help. However, educators have a long way to go in terms of technology profesional development.
Technology networks have agreat impact in teachers and students learning. Social network site can function as social learning resources for literacy practices, and to get emotional support.

How can I use social network in my class?
Networking tools such as Blogger allow me to create a network for my class easilly. Once I create a blog I can post questions, assigments, or puzzles which can be quickly circulated. I can communicate with students. Also, my students can post comments about an specific topic and get prompt feed back. I wiil encourage my students to practice responsible online behavior.

How do social network works?
Social networks services such as Facebook, classroom 2.0, Ning and Twitter allow many broadcasting, circulate through a network, putting other's problem solving skills to work for you. For example, in my class ed422 when I have a question I can use Twitter. I can have many answers from my clasmates in a few minutes, it is amazing.

Journal # 7

Interactive Boards

Interactive whiteboard is a large interactive board which is connected to a computer and a projector. A projector projects the computer's desktop onto the board's surface, where users control the computer using a pen, finger or other device. The board is typically mounted to a wall or on a floor stand. It provides touch control of computer applications and annotation over standard Microsoft windows applications. The software has to be installed to the attached PC. Interactive boards are used by educators in classroom in the United States. Interactive boards offer many practical uses for the classroom.

The threads that I fallowed:

How are you using your classroom smart board?
I fallowed this thread and learned that Smart boards offer many practical uses for teachers in the classrooms. Teachers share with others rather that being private. There are two brand names Smartboards and Promethean. Teachers can use web based applications resources interact with the real world, have virtual field trips, have math games, capture power point presentations, watch a educational video. Also, teachers can download pre-made lessons. Teachers find it very useful. It can be used in any grade classroom. Smartboard is an excellent tool.

Are interactive whiteboards a necessary?

What I learned about this thread is that educators have different opinions some educators think that smart boards are the best technology they have in the classroom because it has a lot of advantages teachers can find thousands of pre-made lessons. When teachers use the smart board they have notice that it keeps the students engaged “the work is not easier but it is more enjoyable”. On the other hand, some educators think that smart boards are not necessary because they have more options in technology that are less expensive.

Journal # 6

A New Concept of Citizenship for the Digital Age

Greenhow, C. (2009-2010). A New concept of citizenship for the digital age. Learning and Leading with technology, 37(6), Retrieved from http://www.iste.org/AM/Template.cfm?Section=March_April_No_6_1&Template=/MembersOnly.cfm&NavMenuID=4516&ContentID=25564&DirectListComboInd=D

The concepts of citizenship and citizenship education is dificult to define. "The 2007 NETs defines digital citizenship as the ability to practiceand advocate online behavior that demostrates legal, ethical, safe, and responsible uses of information and communication technologies". According to Sara Bentivenga, "definitions of digital cotizenship have traditionally referredto the use of electronic resources or enviiroments to fulfill the duties of being a citizen of you nation of residency, including filling out online forms, accessing information about the government, monitoring governmental activities through the information, and providing requested online feedback." All concepts are important to create a concept of citizenship for the digital age. All the concepts and ideas can be incorporated to become a digital educator and get the educational benefits of social networking.

How early can we instruct students on digital citizenship?
It is important to start instructing students as early as elementary school. Students should have the ability to develop awareness of their online participation in public life at early age.

Do you think it is important to teach students to be digital citizens?

I think that It is very important to teach students how to use the technology that is available since there is so much information. Therefore, students will know how to use and navigate the technology in a safe way.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

NETS Power Point/ NETS-T III

I was able to create a power point presentation where I inserted clip art, added animation and special effects to make it appealing. Also, I inserted a link to ISTE website. Using power point presentations in the classroom is a great way to engage students.

Friday, April 23, 2010

NET-s Power Point Presentation Rubric/ NETS-T II

This power point rubric was created by the whole class to score the power point presentation. I will use rubrics in my classroom to assess students performance.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Social Bookmarking

1. Using primary sources in my classroom can be very helpful because the information comes directly from the source.Also, it has alot of information with pictures and links.

The article that I found interesting was "The Deadly Virus". The Influenza Epidemic of 1918 is the plague that has killed more people that any other illness. The virus attacks the lungs which are filled with fluids and the people died soffocated.

2.The students groups that experience achievement gaps are from many different groups:
Racial and ethical minorities
Esglish language learners
Students with disavilities
Students from low-income families

Four Ethical Groups Affected by Achievemt Gaps
American Indians and Alaska Natives
Asian American and Pacific Islanders

Three areas where I feel fit my teaching style are:
First,We as teachers have to adapt to diversity. Our community is very reach culturally which makes interesting the learning enviroment. A teacher that volues diversity can serve better a diverse population. It is very important to respect the traditions from diferent cultures.
Second, I understand the dynamics of cultural interactions. Coming from a diferent country I know the factors that can affect to interact with diferent cultures, icluding language, culture, and values in a community. It will help me to contribute to the educational system to serve all students well.
Finally, Gather and organize resource materials related to culturally diverse groups for use by school staff. I will use resources that are available such as health care.

3.I am glad to know that I am a Cyber Saint.
Usually I like to treat people as would like to be treated. Eventhough, I do not see the face I know that some one is on the other side.
The internet super Heros' philosophy is that we as educators can educate the children to be good cyber-citizens (internet safety).
Teach basic safety tips.
Online sexual predator
How to avoid pornography
Inapropiate content
Not to share personal information
Respect other online
how to find what they are searching
defensive surfing
avoid cyber-situations
report cybercrimes and abuse.
I think that it is very important to educate students how to behave in the cyberspace. This can help my students in my classroom so that students know the rules when we use the computers. It will empower the students. Also, I will use the teenangels who are volunteers (teen) 13-18 who give off-linepresentations on all aspects of safe.

4. One of the areas that interested me in Subject Access was "Bilingual Education" There are many links that I can use in the classroom for bilingual education. Also, I can use this strategy lesson plans to approach an specific topic with ESL students.
The other area that interested me was Second Life for K-12 educators it has lots links to get information. I will sugest my students to use this web sitefor help and homework.

5. My Top Three Intelligencies
Intrapersonal 69%
Mantra:I understant what you mean.I enjoy teaching and sharing my thoughts.
Tipsfor the way you learn:
Give and receive feed back, talk out problems and be part and work on large groups.
Naturalistic 67%
I am a naturalistic learner.
Mantra: Let's investigate the natural world understand the patterns of living things and apply scientific reasoning to the world. I can clasify different types of plants and animals.
Tips for the way you learn.
Observe and record data, create a living system, write about nature, daily life.
Logical Mathematical 56%
Why? Well, because it's logical.

The video Multiple Intelligences No Child Left Behind
Howard G.unveiled a theory of Multiple Intelligences (MI) where he identifies seven human capacities:
Musical, Verbal, Physical, Interpersonal, Visual, Logical and Naturalistic.
Theory people are not smart but you can be very strong in an area and very week in other. All areas are equaly important. Every child should develop their intelligence. Students are encourage to choose something that they are very pasion to learn a skill. If you learn your stregths you will be succesful in the future. (highlight stregths)

6. Grade 9-12
Succesful ESL Strategies
Using journaling projects with ESL students was a tool to increase self-steem and explore identity. Students wrote personal ideas where they do not have to worry about grammar. Having books in many languages and drawing supplies so that the students who wanted to draw can have drawing paper and pencils. I would use it in my class to encourage students to create a geneologic tree so that students can learn about their family. Also, we can approach topics that interest them such as their experience with immigration.

7. The two questions that I found most interesting are: According to a study by the American Association of Physicians for Human Rights, 52% of physicians report witnessing a colleague giving reduced care or refusing care to lesbian, gay, or bisexual patients?
According to the law physicians do not have to descrimate medical services based on stereotype. It is shoking that we still have health providers who descriminate people based on their sexual preference.
In a 2007 study, UNICEF rated the treatment of children in the 23 wealthiest countries in the world based on 40 indicators of child well-being.The countries that received the lowest rating were the United States and the U.K.

8. My score in the Nettiquette quizz was 60% It did not surprise me because I have never been in a chat room.
I think that it is very important to teach students about Nettiquette cyberspace rules, online behavior so that they know how important is to follow the rules in the cyberspace. We as teachers need to create reponsible net-citizens. The emoticon is a textual expresion representing the face of a writer's mood or facial expresion. most of the emoticons are new for me. Most of the emoticons are a nice way to add to our wrriting. The emoticon that I like the most is :@ What?

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Journal # 5

Let the Kids Do the Work

Lawlor, J. (2010, March-April). Let kids do the work. Learnigs and Leading with Technology, 37(6), Retrieved from http://www.iste.org/Content/NavigationMenu/Publications/LL/LLIssues/Volume3720092010/MarchAprilNo6/Let_the_Kids_Do_the_Work.htm

The author of this article used web 2.0 technology to create a wiki page where students can read poems and answer essay questions. The students had a great respond even the students that never participated in class their voices were heard. This is a good way to engage students where students read and post comments. Students receive instant feed back from the community of writers so that students can rewrite their essays. Some students offered to remodel the teacher’s wiki; they made a makeover in this case not only the students learned but also the teachear. Once the wiki is running it safes time because it is a collaborative tool where the students do more and the teacher does less. Technology can be a help instead of a hindrance.

What is one advantage using wiki?

There are many advantages using wiki. One advantage is that the students receive immediate feedback so they finish faster. In this article even the most unengaged students read and post comments.

What is one disadvantage using wiki?

One of the disadvantages using wiki is that you have to have access to computers. There are some classrooms that do not have computers for each student so the teacher has to arrange to use a computer lab.

Journal # 4

Playing with Skype

Weller, T.W. (2010). Playing with skype. Learnigs and Leding with Technology, 37(6), Retrieved from http://www.iste.org/AM/Template.cfm?Section=March_April_No_6_1&Template=/MembersOnly.cfm&NavMenuID=4516&ContentID=25508&DirectListComboInd

The author of this article used Skype to interact with three noted composers in live concerts using technology. He brought Scott Watson of Allentown, Pennsylvania, Brian Balmages, and Andrew Boysen Jr. assistant professor in the music department at the University of New Hampshire. They agreed o appear live at the concert via Skype. It was a rich experience which turned to be an interactive conversation that was meaningful to the students and the audience. Educators can use Skype to connect with experts in their area who share in the classrooms or in rehearsal hall. They can speak with students to get a better understanding which help educators and students.

What equipment is required to use Skype?

The equipment required is minimal a computer with a broadband internet connection, a data projector, a couple of microphones, a webcam, some adapters to pump the audio feed through the sound system and a projector screen.

How difficult is to use Skype?

Skype is easy to use as a telecom-munication platform. Go to http://www.skype.com/, sign in, install and you are ready to use it.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Journal # 3

Navigate the Digital Rapids

Lindsay/Davis, J./V. (2010). Navigate the digital rapids. Learnigs and Leding with Technology, 37(6), Retrieved from http://www.iste.org/Content/NavigationMenu/Publications/LL/LLIssues/Volume3720092010/MarchAprilNo6/L_L_March_April_2010.htm

The authors of this article discusses how teachers can transform themselves into a professional that can use technology to research effectively create exciting learning projects. The Flat Classroom Project was started by Julie Lindsay and Vicki Davis where educators use a network to connect with other educators. They share ideas for worldwide connections, classes join virtually to become one large classroom. Some advices from the authors are: Customize teachers use digital tools in a variety of ways to create pictures of learning and understand how technology works. Monitor and be engaged an educational network is a group of people with the same purpose to share experiences in a focused environment including avatars they choose, styles of language they use, and the quality of material they upload. Have a plan, in flat classrooms project online and networking are moderated by the teacher. Overcome the fear factor one of the advantages is that you are not alone because there are a lot of teachers who can help you. You can get help from teachers who had connected their classrooms. Students should be educated as soon as they start using digital tools to create digital citizens. Put the learning in the hands of students so that they can develop appropriate online content and global citizenship. There are many projects were teachers can be connected such as Flat Classroom Projects, Net Generation Education, Digiteen, Digiparent and Eracism.

How do I moderate the content of networking sites?

Make sure students use appropriate language and what they upload. If someone finds an offensive material (picture or comment) the person who fund it has to report it then the teacher then the teacher decides the action taken. It could include asking the student to apologize the educational network or suspend him or banning the student from the network.

What is the first step to “flattening” a classroom?

The first step is to be connected yourself. Teachers have to have a good understanding of how technology works especially the collaborative Web 2.0 tools, such as wikis, Nings and blogging platforms.

Journal # 2

Finding Students Who Learn with Media

Bull, G. (2010, February). Finding students who learn with media. Learnigs and Leding with Technology, 37(5), Retrieved from http://www.iste.org/AM/Template.cfm?Section=February_No_5_4&Template=/MembersOnly.cfm&NavMenuID=4495&ContentID=25255&DirectListComboInd=D

The author of this article talks about how students-created media offers significant opportunities for engagement and learning. PrimaryAccess, MovieMakeer allows the students to combine their own text, primary source images, and audio narration to create short online documentary films linked to social studies standards of learning. PrimaryAccsess was created to eliminate overhead associated with conventional digital video editors, so that students can focus on learning objectives rather than spending class time learning how to use movie-making tools. In a pilot study, teachers using PrimaryAccess Storyboard were able to incorporate it into their classes with no additional class time. Students using this tool performed as well on the teacher-designed examinations as those who wrote traditional essays as their class assignments. The study of two classes (6 graders) found out that on average, students spent significantly more time on the storyboard task compared to students who wrote an essay, but those who created the storyboard responded in notably different ways to the activity and tool. There were four different media engagement profiles emerged based on students engagement with storyboarding activity and with the historical content:
High technology/high content. Approximately 40% were engaged in both historical content and the storyboarding activity.
High technology/low content. Other students were engaged by the storyboarding activity but not by the historical content.
Low technology/high content. Some students were interested in the historical content but were not engaged by the storyboarding activity.
Low technology/low content proximately 15% of the students were not engaged by either the historical content or by the storyboarding activity.

How long do students spend doing a historical document?

It takes a minimum of three class periods to create a short documentary: one period to create a storyboard and script; a second period to assemble the media and sequence it in the editor; and a third period for narration, titles, and music.

How did students respond to media?

Students who were engaged by both content and media demonstrated greater higher-order thinking and creativity in their work. Students engaged in media but not by content required additional help from the teacher to increase task management and content mastery. Students engaged by the content but not by the media may have preferred a more traditional task, such as writing an essay. Finally, students who were not engaged by the content or by media required a high level of structure to achieve success.

Journal # 1

The Beginner’s Guide to Interactive Virtual Field Trips

Zanetis, . (2010, March/April). The Beginner's guide to virtual fiels trips. Learnigs and Leding with Technology, 37(6), Retrieved from http://www.iste.org/AM/Template.cfm?Section=March_April_No_6_1&Template=/MembersOnly.cfm&NavMenuID=4516&ContentID=25443&DirectListComboInd=D

This article discusses virtual field trips (VFTs) which are trips that are conducted virtually over the internet and/or videoconferencing equipment without leaving the classroom. I think VFTs are a great advantage for teachers since the education had a great budget cut. Eventhough, VFTs have a cost VFT are relatively cheap compared to field trips. VFTs can involve touring a historic site, witnessing scientific experiments, watching live demonstrations, attending folk festivals, and much more. Asynchronous VFTs are not delivered in real time they are websites that include text, audio, or video resources. Interactive VFTs are synchronous, real-time experiences.

How do I take a VFT?

First thing you should locate a videoconferencing unit, make sure it is h.323 compatible and capable of IP-based connections, and then you will need access to quality content. Look for interactive VFTs led by known experts and reliable organizations.

How expensive are VFTs?

VFT often have a fee. However, if we compared the price for a field trip far away or to a different country the fee is worth it. Some trips are inaccessible for many students, can you imagine visiting places that your family can’t afford. Also, many content providers such as NASA offer excellent free programs.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Introduction Letter

Hi, my name is Bertha Magana, I grew up in Michoacan, Mexico. I studied in the UMSNH (Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolas de Hidalgo ) in Morelia, Michoacan, Mexico. I got my bachelors degree in Pharmacobiology in 1995. I worked on my thesis for 2 year in a research chemestry lab. In 1998, I present my thesis in the uiversity and in the same year I moved to California because I got merried. I have a daugther who is 8 years old a my son is 4 years old. Currently, I work at Escondido Union High School District as a Bilingual Instructional Assistant. I help students whose first language is Spanish.

I do not have a lot of experience with technology,  I have never used Mac before. I am a PC person, and I do not depend on technology on a daily basis. I have a small laptop which is slow. I like to use my laptop to e-mail my friends and family in Mexico.

One factor on my decision to apply at CSUSM is that  I would like collaborate helping students whose first language is Spanish. In San Diego Area we have a big diversity. Also, I love to help students.